Saturday, December 17, 2011

jake-off-grid living

Making the move to an Off-Grid life style should be made as an intergated piece of your overall financial planning. This can be viewed as an "excape hatch" for when and if the global or U.s. economy fails, or as a desirable and much improved way to live independently. The current increases and the future threat of energy prices going throughg the roof, the ability to grow your own food, and the wonderful feeling that controlling your own destiny provides, as well as beating the "rat race" intto the ground makes the off-grid living style a valuable alternative.
I would like to see this site attract people interested in off-grid living whether or not you provide expertize, interest, curiosity, or just have questions. Whether you live in the country, city, or the burbs, some part or all of the off-grid techniques and technology can be usefull.
Topics such as Straw-bale home building, solar energy, both passive and PV, water supply and management, farming, ranching, outdoor fun, defensive weapons, and a strong first-aide knowledge are some of the important subjects to be discussed in future blogs. Together we can formulate a comprehensive set of "how-to-do-it" information.
Welcome on board;

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